Saturday, May 24, 2008

I wonder if the City will require me to have a permit to operate this zoo?

Yep, we own a zoo. At least that is what it feels like. Tiff and I now are outnumbered by dogs. With the addition of a labradoodle puppy on Friday, we now have three.

Meet Liberty, the latest member of the herd. She is pretty lively, but very well-behaved. You have to see the size of those paws - she's going to be huge! She's still in that young, awkward stage, so she is a little clumsy. And I don't think she ever saw stairs before, so she took a while until she decided she was going to try going up or down them. She's still working on that, but getting better quickly.

Sofia and Annabella certainly love Liberty (or "Lidtherby," as Sofia calls her), but Dickinson is not quite so sure yet.

Enjoy the first few photos!