Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

This thanksgiving was great fun. Sofia had a wonderful time playing with the mayflower little people that nonnie had for her all set up when we arrived for lunch and it was fun to see her actually enjoying eating a Thanksgiving meal. For those of you who don't know, sofia is, well, quite the picky eater, so we really thought we were going to have to break out what we consider a major food group in our house, mac-n-cheese. Much to our surprise, she ate everything, turkey, stuffing, corn, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie...... Including mashed potatoes out of the big bowl, i guess they are better that way. Needless to say, i was quite impressed. Annabella got to have thanksgiving too, well at least at five month old version, cereal and a bottle, but she doesn't know the difference right now. Here are some pictures of the eventful day. Sofia playing, torturing nonnie's cat, and dancing to Christmas music at the end of the day when we helped nonnie put her tree up. Notice the toll her outfit took as the day went on. Enjoy! We certainly did!