Thursday, October 25, 2007

Trick or Treat!

Tonight, we got to take two of the cutest ladybugs in the world to visit some family and friends. The night started out looking like it might be a long one, when Sofia seemed to be scared by her own costume. By the end of the night, though, she was a pro - walking right up to the neighbor, taking candy out of the bowl, saying "thank you," and stuffing the candy in her bag. Oh, and she also liked the fact that she got to eat fruit snacks at just about every home we visited.

Enjoy some of the pictures of the cute little ladybugs!

visiting with friends Leah and Abby


Angie said...

They both look adorable!! We have our trick or treating tonight and even though Will has no idea what is going on... we're going to dress him as a penguin and take him around to some of the neighbors house.